24 mars 2008

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mars 24, 2008 | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

11 juillet 2006

Bottled Water

Name that product

Naming products is an art. The practice actually depends on what field is involved. In other words, naming a car is different from naming a perfume. Foods fall into a special category because some countries excel at cooking more than others. France cooks better than the United States, and the United States better than Lesotho. That's why in America, foods that answer to a French name are supposed to be refined, and in Lesotho, those that go by an English name are considered "cooler" than others, even if the name is just burger-on-toast.

But the question remains, and it's, How much money is the consumer willing to place on a name? While it is true that some names just don't cut it, most others are made by the success of the product, not the other way round.

Whether a name is based on a metaphor, a key attribute, an acronym, or a positive connotation, the overarching goal is to create a name that engages. Perhaps that’s why Albert Einstein asserted that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” If given the choice of engaging vs. informing, opt for a name that begs for more. It may seem weird, but the results can be wonderful. [http://ezinearticles.com]

Bottled water by the name of Eau de Robinet can be sold for $4.75 without a hitch. If you're in the United States. And you can even ask the customer how the product compares to tap water. I'm willing to bet that one can sell bottled water by the name of Australian Tap Water, provided the seller is in a relatively small French town where most patrons are unlikely to speak English. We stand to learn a lot from the above video.

Whether the people involved in the video are genuine patrons or whether they're actors is beside the point. The message, which I believe backs this post, is loud and clear.

juillet 11, 2006 dans Branding | Permalink | Commentaires (1) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

20 janvier 2006

ProximityLab en Français

Un peu d'autopromo : le blog Proximity Lab propose désormais des articles quotidiens, et souvent en français.

Autre nouveauté du Lab, un groupe dédié avec LinkedIn pour rencontrer des profils provenant aussi bien des agences Proximity ou BBDO que des intervenants externes.

Votre avis est le bienvenue.

janvier 20, 2006 dans Weblogs | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

17 décembre 2005

Pulsating product names

Siemens is working on some sort of e-paper that is going to make names of products pulsate, on package boxes, on supermarket shelves. Siemens says the paper may be ready in about two years and will flash special offers, prices and images [Source]. Welcome to Las Vegas, ladies and gentlemen, what'll it be?

Siemens' paper-thin display -- composed of a polymer-based photochromic material -- is capable of displaying digital text and images when prodded by an electrochemical reaction powered by a low-voltage charge. When the electric charge is no longer applied, the chemical reaction is reversed, and the electronic ink is no longer visible -- which is how a flashing effect is created. The power source is based on commercially available, ultra-thin batteries. Electronic memory strips store the images [Source].

The firm says it does not expect kids to ask for a particular cereal that uses their e-paper, but to say, "I want it."

That hardly sounds like a long-lasting product, does it? I bet the one that remains video-less will acquire a certain air of aunthenticity and longevity. Kalle Lasn, of anti-advertising Adbusters Foundation, doesn't think the idea "is great for the mental health of the population [Source]."

décembre 17, 2005 dans Advertising , Affichage , Killer Apps | Permalink | Commentaires (1) | TrackBacks (4) | Haut de Page

16 décembre 2005

Google Browser soon?

Google may be planning to buy the Opera browser, so says the grapevine. If so, the reasons are numerous, but among them are the fact that "Opera [...] has adaptations for smart phones and is a major player in the mobile phones market" [Source]. And then Opera is quite a good browser that may just be waiting for a big player like Google to take it to the top.

Microsoft is fixing to release its IE7 with integrated search technology; there's the ever-rising star, Firefox, and the ever-present Netscape. The browser war, it seems, has only just begun. If this bit of news is true, will Google work a bit on Opera and present is as the long-awaited "Google Browser?" We can't wait.

décembre 16, 2005 dans Technologie | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

15 novembre 2005


I want to read that new book by the Management Guru everyone's talking about, say. But I'm not really interested in possessing it because such books have a short life span and a rapid use-by date. Certain editions of books of fiction, or historical research, or poetry, may warrant the purchase of a book. But why would one actually want to buy a book on marketing or sales, if the book can be accessed otherwise for less money?

Google is at it again. They want to be able to rent books for 10% of their bookstore value. Of course, you will not be unable to print nor download the book, but can only leaf through it for a week. Google has already discussed the idea with a publisher, who thought 10% wasn't enough.

L'éditeur trouve ce prix de location trop faible mais estime qu'il s'agit d'une opportunité importante de pénétrer le marché du livre numérique. [Source]

"Yeah, but it'll never replace the book." Supposedly that's what our foreparents said when the radio hit the scene. The children of those foreparents went on to say, in turn, "Yeah, but it'll never replace the radio." They were referring to the telly. And what have we heard about the Internet, Walkman and other information innovations? Now you know why I'm reluctant to pronounce Google's idea dead before its birth.

Having said that, I think Google's idea of renting as opposed to selling the books is superior to all other online book ideas I've heard so far.

A potentially successful idea or not?

I dislike e-books intensely, however, for the simple reason that an e-book's advantages are irrelevant to me (except their ability to spare the lives of trees), while a hardcopy book's advantages remain important to me. Maybe if every time an e-book was opened, an aperture somewhere near the computer screen sprayed out a paper-based perfume, with a whiff of dust and an even lesser one of moisture, perhaps I would like e-books then.

Google isn't the only company interested in this perhaps-one-day-soon-to-be-big market. Random House has recently laid out its plans, and not to be outdone, Amazon says it "will allow readers to purchase selected pages or chapters from a book in electronic format."

novembre 15, 2005 dans Actualité , Livres | Permalink | Commentaires (3) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

18 octobre 2005

PVRs, VCRs and Time-Shifting in RSA

Later this year, new video recording technology will be introduced in South Africa. It goes by the name of PVR, or Personal Video Recording. And it has advertisers trembling because viewers will suddenly be able to effectively skip ads.

In all honesty, we've always had the capacity to do so with VCRs, but this new gadget here can record and playback at the same time, giving viewers the ability to skip commercials at will. Imagine stopping a live program, doing an errand, and coming back to watch it at a later time. This is called time-shifting and implies reduced viewing of TV commercials.

What's the difference between a PVR and a VCR? PVRs record TV data in digital format, as opposed to VCRs, which do so in analog format. VCRs use analog cassettes to record and play TV programs, whereas PVRs store data in MPEG format and deposit the data on a hard drive. In essence, then, PVRs are similar to VCRs in functionality (recording, playing back, fast forwarding, re-winding, etc), but can also instantly jump to any part of the program without re-winding or fast-forwarding the data stream. Bye ads.

Will time-shifted viewing reduce the effectiveness of TV commercials in South Africa? It remains to be seen. Has it reduced the effectiveness of TV commercials in America and Europe?

To prevent ad-skipping, advertisers may need to shift their focus to live TV shows or even consider other media options. This means that sport and news slots as well as ads positioned first and last in the break, will be sold at a premium, due to the greater likelihood of them being actively viewed. The number of ads in a break is also expected to diminish.

octobre 18, 2005 dans Advertising | Permalink | Commentaires (8) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

11 octobre 2005

Mute Salesperson?

Can a mute salesperson be efficient? You got the basic idea, but the question refers to marketing and selling at every level. It is just simpler to visualise and exploit the analogy of a door-to-door salesperson.

What if after knocking at a door and having it opened, he or she at last stands before the potential buyer, but is speechless? What other tools would a good seller turn toward? Perhaps a wordless demo would be in order. After all, and according to the old dictum, actions speak louder than words. I'm afraid that in such a predicament our door-to-door salesperson would just have to start vacuuming the stoep.

Have you ever bought anything on the weight of the seller's words alone?

The same salesperson might decide to leave the vacuum cleaner with you - the potential buyer - for a week or two, then return to see if you aren't bowled over enough to spend good money obtaining it. Today this particular strategy is ubiquitous. Any web presence worth the name resorts to it. It is easier and faster to hook the potential customer with freeware, adware, nagware, shareware or demoware. Mind you, freeware isn't necessarily free. It's there either to place something of marketing importance on your computer (a spy, for example), or to convince you to buy a more robust version of the product, or to at least speak of it at the next session of your knitting club.

That would be our salesperson leaving you with a vacuum cleaner that, using hidden sensors, measures the percentage or thickness of dust on your floors against a given standard, then tells the salesperson. "0.35 inches of dust at 12:01 on 14 July 2005!" Or the vacuum cleaner could suck up dust quite well, only to keep telling you each time how many kilos af acarians are living happily on your floors; "0.098 kg of acarians at 3:23 pm on 12 October 2005!" You'd be advised that for a mere $29.95, you could get the Pro Version which of course sucks up acarians as well. Or the vacuum cleaner could suck up both dust and acarians marvelously, but only for the first two weeks, after which it is restrained.

Of course, the poor salesperson would run the risk of your finding and neutralising the hidden switch that either prevents the cleaner from vacuuming acarians, or blocks it after the first two weeks, or does any number of restraining actions. The law would have to get involved. Money would have to be spent tracking vacuum bandits who, apart from tinkering with the machines themselves, are doing their own door-to-door to sell fully unrestricted machines, or "crackz" to unlock cripple-chines, nag-chines, demo-chines, free-chines, ad-chines or spy-chines embedded somewhere in your product. Or worse, giving the dreaded "crackz" away for free!

If the big guns are ready to spend big money hunting down those who sell or give away keys and other openers, is this mode of marketing and advertising worth it? In short, does this kind of marketing and advertising produce results? How much does the maker of such a product actually lose? After all, the product had to be made and in making it time and money had to be spent. Forget the vacuum cleaner. Imagine a carmaker giving you a car that works for two weeks only, before blocking all mechanisms. You wouldn't have a car then, but the carmaker would have lost both the time and the money spent making it.

What if after knocking at a door and having it opened, a salesperson stands before the potential buyer, but is suddenly speechless? What other tools would a good seller turn toward? Perhaps a wordless demo, and nothing else, would be in order. Nothing else. As we said, the dictum is actions speak louder than words, not half-actions speak louder than words. So the door-to-door salesperson vacuums your stoep like a charm and goes on to the next house, if you're not interested. Full-stop. Many software makers are jumping on this bandwagon and following the likes of Macromedia whose star editor, Dreamweaver®, used to be shareware but is today strictly demoware.

Have you ever bought anything on the weight of the product's performance alone?

octobre 11, 2005 dans Advertising , Customer strategy , Direct marketing | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

10 mai 2005

Pour les inconditionnels du papier...

PaperPC™ .


Malgré les PC portables, les PDA, et les fonctionnalités grandissantes des téléphones mobiles, Clairefontaine persiste dans le papier en lançant PaperPC. Le principe est aussi simple que la technologie est complexe : vous écrivez, dessinez à l’aide d’un stylo numérique sur un cahier ou bloc note PaperPC, puis vous sélectionnez dans la marge du cahier l’action désirée : sauvegarder, envoyer  un email, fax, SMS, MMS, PPC via votre mobile ou votre ordinateur.

Pour plus d’informations : http://www.clairefontaine-paperpc.com

Avez-vous déjà utilisé cet outil ou celui de Nokia, pour quel confort ?   

mai 10, 2005 dans Technologie | Permalink | Commentaires (2) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

16 avril 2005

Selling noise

There is a humorous story of a man who lived near railway tracks. The train passed by his shed every day at 3:49 a.m., but after a few weeks he had got so used to the ruckus that he didn't wake up anymore. One morning, after the man had lived there for three years, the train didn't go by because there was a worker's strike. At 3:49 a.m. on the dot, the man awoke with a start and screamed, "What was that?"

Sometimes when I'm driving, in town or along the motorway, I suddenly get "pulled" into looking at a billboard. Those that "pull" well, at least in my experience, are the empty ones, the ones between the previous advert and the next one. They usually just have a simple temporary message, or just a telephone number, should the passer-by be interested in placing an advert there.

That characteristic "pull" is what interests me. Does absence really make the heart grow fonder, as they say? The man asleep in his shed pulled out of his sleep by absence rather than by presence, much as I, and perhaps most of us, am pulled by the same force. Is this phenomenon used in advertising? Are there brands that deliberately absent themselves (from advert studios and the media) for a time, with the aim of exploiting this characteristic "pull" during that down-time?

Can the advertiser successfully use the customers' sick-and-tiredness (make your right hand flat and rigid, then run it from left to right across your neck) to get more visibility for the very product customers have had enough of? If you sold noise, could you make it more noticeable by silencing it?

avril 16, 2005 dans Advertising | Permalink | Commentaires (30) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

11 avril 2005

Nouveau blog et auto-promo

ThelabUn coup d'auto-promo pour annoncer nouveau département - The Lab - à l'agence où je bosse et surtout son émanation, un corporate blog dont le thème sera d'étudier les relations nouvelles entre marques et consommateurs.

Comme je ne suis pas innocent dans l’affaire, je me dis que si vous suivez post2k.net, ProximityLab devrait vous plaire…

avril 11, 2005 | Permalink | Commentaires (7) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

09 avril 2005

An Eskimo Customer

Can everything be sold? In order to sell a product, it has to be marketed somewhere upstream, and somewhere downstream the buyer has to be convinced into spending his or her Shekels. Convincing buyers to do so carries some sort of risk, a risk of failure for the seller and a risk of a rotten product for the buyer, which further implies that in order to cancel that second risk in the buyer’s mind, the marketer has to be damn good.

In the Queen’s language we say that people who can perform such a feat, even against the odds, can sell an Eskimo snow. But back to my question: can everybody sell an Eskimo snow, provided they are truly convinced the Eskimo needs more snow? Provided they’re convinced that the snow the Eskimo already has can perform only some of the required tasks in Alaska, and not all?

I think the answer is a resounding Yes. Everything can be sold, and any marketer and seller can sign a contract to sell an Eskimo snow, provided that marketer and seller are good at what they do.

However, some marketers and sellers do have a head-start, so that others have to be much better than them, before they can sell the same snow in quality and quantity to the same Eskimo.

avril 9, 2005 dans Advertising , Customer strategy , Marketing services | Permalink | Commentaires (7) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

05 avril 2005

A Business Blog? What For!

A business blog? What for? So that you can more easily build rapport with potential clients, encourage a community, folks who stick your business blog URL among their browser bookmarks. That's just one reason. There are many. You also wanna share news and know-how, and it'll cost you less than a newsletter both in Euros and in time spent.

Since the most communicative blogs are two-way streets, your visitors may just happen to have one or two things to tell you, like how they prefer, or don't prefer, to be provided with service.

One of the strongest arguments for running a business blog, in my view, is the characteristic company voice that such a blog permits. Lively, interactive and dynamic, the [business] blog is the equivalent of a receptionist who answers the phone with a warm, smiling voice, as opposed to a mechanical voice on the answering machine, which I compare to hardcopy communication.

If you want to go further along these lines, check out "Buzz Marketing With Blogs for Dummies," plus its companion website. It is probably a good book.

avril 5, 2005 | Permalink | Commentaires (16) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

02 avril 2005

Welcome !

Mes statistiques sont une invitation au voyage...


avril 2, 2005 dans Weblogs | Permalink | Commentaires (4) | TrackBacks (1) | Haut de Page

Blog et cacahuètes


Demain, Dimanche 3 avril à partir de 20h à L'Ecume bar, rue de l'Hermitage, à Paris dans le 20ème

Vous venez ?

avril 2, 2005 dans Weblogs | Permalink | Commentaires (6) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

01 avril 2005

Gmail, un vrai faux poisson

L'image parle d'elle même...
D'ailleurs si vous voulez un gmail... n'hesitez pas.

avril 1, 2005 dans Killer Apps | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

Film personnalisé

Selon Adverblog, 3000 publicités personnalisées sont réalisées chaque jour sur le site de SN Brussels Airlines qui trouve une idée amusante pour le lancement de son site.

Dans la même veine : Converse.

avril 1, 2005 dans Branding , Digital marketing | Permalink | Commentaires (3) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page


Brian Chin points out the danger, especially in New York City, of the iPod's trademark white earbuds. "The iPod's trademark white earbuds apparently scream 'steal me' to thieves, the New York Daily Post reports." The NYPD in fact credits the recent hikes in muggings to this very fact.

The potential mugger goes, The earbuds go from the ears down into a pocket or a bag. What's in that bag? And instead of downloading all those MP3s one by one, and sticking my neck out each time, why not just grab five hundred MP3s once?

avril 1, 2005 dans Technologie | Permalink | Commentaires (1) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

31 mars 2005

Grey hair: Burden or Boon?

Is grey hair an advantage or a drawback at the workplace? How about during a job interview? Do you have any grey-haired co-workers? What opinion do you have of them? Generally speaking I think it all depends on culture, both corporate and ethnic. A long time ago, for instance, notably in the eighteenth century, important people wore white or grey wigs. It was to command respect.

Of course, in business, other matters immediately come into play, matters such as experience and a fat address book. And isn't it called ageism, discrimination against old folks, when we hire a 20-year old instead of a 50-year old, all other things being equal?

[ More information... ]

mars 31, 2005 | Permalink | Commentaires (1) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

30 mars 2005


Une étude US réalisée au mois de mars 2005 par M :Metrics démontre – si besoin était – à quel point les portables ne sont plus seulement des téléphones :

  • Les jeux : 31% des femmes et 34% des hommes affirment avoir joué à un jeu mobile durant le précédent mois.
  • Les sonneries : si la majorité des fans sont agés de 13 à 24 ans, 45% sont téléchargées par les plus de 25 ans.
  • Plus de 52% des 25-34 communiquent via SMS.
  • 60% des personnes ayant pris une photo avec leur téléphone l’ont également envoyé via MMS ou email à un autre téléphone.
  • Enfin 13% accèdent à des sites d’informations via leurs Mobile.

Allo ?

mars 30, 2005 dans Telecom | Permalink | Commentaires (1) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

29 mars 2005

Arrete de jouer avec ta console...

Une nouvelle étude publiée hier par le site IGN dédié aux jeux vidéos annonce le chiffre de $700 par an dépensés par les fans de jeux (5000 personnes interviewés sur les sites IGN et Gamespy).

Quant au segment hard-core gamers, ils dépensent en moyenne :

  • $341 / mois pour les jeux de consoles
  • $233 / mois pour les jeux PC
  • $140 / mois sur les accessoires.

Enfin l'étude cite en priorité l'importance du bouche à oreille pour leurs décisions d'achats et en dernier la publicité presse.

Je cherche un bon jeu de stratégie sur PC, genre AOE2... des conseils ?

mars 29, 2005 dans Acquisition client , Jeux | Permalink | Commentaires (5) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

No logo

ApclogoLe toujours excellent adrag décerne le prix du logo le plus inapproprié.

Et de citer "on a pas deux fois l'occasion de faire une bonne première impression".

mars 29, 2005 dans Branding | Permalink | Commentaires (4) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

Lego + Batman

BatmanlegoLes marques inspirent... à voir le film Batman+Lego en animation 3D réalisé par la DaveSchool.
Via MilkAndCookies.

Si vous avez d'autres exemples (affiches ou films...) co-brandés par des particuliers... je suis preneur.

mars 29, 2005 dans Actualité , Branding | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

28 mars 2005

Yahoo! 360°

yahoo 360Yahoo teste en ce moment une nouvelle solution, à mi chemin entre le blog et les réseaux sociaux.

360° car l'outil rassemble bon nombre de fonctionnalités telles que gestion des adresses, publications, groupes, échanges de documents, réseaux, le tout en multi-canal (mobile, web, IM,...).
Pour en savoir plus, ou pour tester : Yahoo 360°

mars 28, 2005 dans Customer strategy , Killer Apps , Web/Tech | Permalink | Commentaires (2) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

Placement produit

Deux récentes études rapportées par le MediaDailyNews démontrent l’engouement pour le placement produit comme technique marketing. L’une réalisée par MindShare affirme que 80% des américains ont une vision positive de cette technique, et 70% de ceux âgés de 18 à 49 ans reconnaissent être plus enclins à essayer le produit ou visiter le point de vente.

PlacementproduitDans le même temps, l’Association of National Advertisers révèle dans son étude auprès de 118 marketers que 63% des professionnels ont déjà participé à des opérations de ce type, et pour 42% dans le but de nouer des relations plus émotionnelles avec leurs cibles.

Enfin toujours l’ANA présente le choix des annonceurs pour le placement produit :

  • 85% pour la programation TV
  • 34% pour la presse
  • 31% pour le cinéma,
  • 24% pour les jeux videos.

Encore rare en France, à l'exception des jeux TV...

mars 28, 2005 dans Branding , Jeux , Télévision | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

26 mars 2005


"The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the dawn of the Post-Market Era." That's the title of a 1995 book by Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends (FOET).

Automation is destroying jobs faster than it can replace them. The benefits of the increased productivity go 100% to the owners of the machines, and none to the workers displaced. What are the consequences of this? What will happen if this trend continues and accelerates to include white collar jobs, and even jobs currently handled by PhDs? This essay is a work in progress to examine those issues. [ Source... ]

In 1994, Stanley Aronowitz and William Difazio penned "The Jobless Future: SciTech and the Dogma of Work." In it they encourage the reduction of working hours from about forty to thirty as a means of creating jobs and freeing time for the individual. That should ring a bell if you live in France.

There is an urgent need for a sharp reduction in the workweek from its current forty hours -- a reduction of, initially, at least ten hours. The thirty-hour work week at no reduction in pay would create new jobs only if overtime was eliminated for most categories of labor.  [ Source... ]

All this is the subject of a new blog by Richard Samson, Director of EraNova Institute. Mr Samson makes the point that "off-peopling," or the replacement of normal folks by machines at work, should be considered a much bigger deal than off-shoring or out-sourcing. Here are some destinations for further details: Futurewire, Journal du Net, Financial Executive and Computer World.

mars 26, 2005 dans Actualité | Permalink | Commentaires (2) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

24 mars 2005

Apres Lycos, IBM

Vous vous souvenez peut-être de l'initiative de Lycos qui tentait de bloquer le SPAM en créant un trafic inutile sur les sites des supposés SPAMeurs.
C'est au tour d'IBM - comme le rapporte le Chicago Tribune - d'engorger encore un peu plus les réseaux en renvoyant un email en réponse au SPAM.

Déjà le SPAM compte pour 95% du trafic de l'Internet, espérons que ce nouveau logiciel soit rapidement oublié... je n'imagine pas un doublement du trafic email.

Le soucis du SPAM, c'est qu'en terme de marketing direct, c'est plutôt efficace...

mars 24, 2005 dans Technologie | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

23 mars 2005

Guest Blogger

I'm the culprit behind the past two posts, and many more to come. My name's Rethabile Masilo. Reza has allowed me to guest blog on Post2000 whenever I feel a subject is appropriate both for the orientation of the topics usually dealt with here, and for the quality of the final piece posted.

It is a pleasure to have this outlet, because the field of Web marketing, the Internet,  Webdesign and so on is evolving at breakneck speed and is here to stay: two features that in my view make almost any subject interesting.

I also blog about other things, notably e-learning, poetry, politics and poverty-reduction. There's a small link called Sotho in the right column under "Friends' Blogs and Sites." That's where you'll find me.

So once in a while we'll meet here at Post2000 to talk about the technology that is shaping our world, or at Sotho to talk about other things.

mars 23, 2005 dans Weblogs | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

22 mars 2005

What is co-linking?

What if you could click on a link and have a small menu appear beside the clicked linkword, with a list of URLs? And what if you could then select the destination you want to visit, based on the choice before you? A click wouldn't load a new page, of course. And what if with each co-link there was a short description, telling you where you were going?

What if you wanted to add your own co-link to such a menu, and you could, just like with the now common-place wiki technology? It would be interesting to be able to add a link, leave your name and an email, so that future readers may contact you with ideas or further resources. Well, it's all possible.

Indeed, links as we know them today are boring, mono-directional and static. But the technology I speak of already exists, is appropriately named co-links, and was developed by the folks at http://www.co-link.org/.

The technology is tailor-made for research and the sharing of knowledge, community groups, pedagogy, and a host of other activities on Inter- or intranet spaces.

And what if -- and this is the icing on the cake, useful for foiling "co-link spammers" -- what if any link could be removed by any visitor?

mars 22, 2005 dans Webdesign | Permalink | Commentaires (3) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

21 mars 2005

DSF: Tax Tech?

DSF stands for Digital Solidarity Fund. It is a plan aimed at taxing hardware purchases in affluent countries, and using the collected funds to buy mobile telephones, computers and so on for developing nations. A laudable initiative by many standards. The DSF movement was created in 2003 and is of course backed by the majority of potential receiver nations.

"The 'digital' tax would be adopted voluntarily," Reuters reports in the New Zealand Herald.

Two comments: One, we're seldom asked if we 're willing to pay a tax, so don't expect any referendum on this one (apart from this question by post2000: are you willing?), and two, if the tax is to be adopted "voluntarily," what makes it so different from financial aid as it is handled today?

mars 21, 2005 dans Technologie | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

24 février 2005

Allo ?

Le NY Post décrit l'explosion des ventes de brouilleurs de téléphones mobiles à NY malgré leur interdiction et leur prix compris entre 250 et 2000 USD, 1500 dollars le plus souvent sous le manteau.

"One time I followed this guy around for 20 minutes," raconte un interviewé, "I kept zapping him and zapping him, until finally he threw the phone on the floor. I couldn't stop laughing. It was so cool."

Un excellent support publicaitaire pour un annonceur promettant calme et volupté, des idées ?

février 24, 2005 dans Killer Apps | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

23 février 2005


Wal-Mart déploit dans ses 2.600 magasins US sa chaîne de télévision interne et devient directement le 5ème réseau TV américain avec 130 millions de spéctateurs par mois. Avec une moyenne de 7 minutes par spéctateur et par passage dans le magasin.
L'IHT rapporte également les programmes diffusés: bandes annonces de films, extraits de programmes sportifs et musicaux mais essentiellement les spots publicitaires en provenance de Kraft, Unilever, Hallmark et Pepsi. Les marques investissent entre USD $137,000 à $292,000 pour une présence média de 4 semaines.

La puissance est dans le réseau ?

février 23, 2005 dans Advertising , Télévision | Permalink | Commentaires (2) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

21 février 2005

Ma collection de timbre

Logo_deutschepostLa poste Allemande (Deutsche Post) crée le timbre PDF avec Adobe : Stampit Web.

Une fois téléchargé, il peut être utilisé comme un timbre standard. Le service sera commercialisé en test sur eBay Allemagne avant d'être distribué par les sites de la poste.

février 21, 2005 dans Digital marketing , Killer Apps | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

Gmail lancé

J'ai reçu hier un email en provenance de Google qui me remerciait de ma pré-inscription sur Gmail et qui m'invitait à ouvrir mon compte. Ca ressemble à un lancement officiel.

En terme marketing, la stratégie de pré-lancement de ce service est remarquable.  Distiller quelques invitations à des prescripteurs / first movers puis leur laisser le soin de parrainer leurs proches.

Au début, 5 invitations pour jouer la rareté, plus tard 50 invitations pour l'effet de masse.

J'aimerais bien connaître le nombre de comptes Gmail créés avant le lancement du service ;)

février 21, 2005 dans Acquisition client | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

20 février 2005


Le NYTimes rapporte une campagne virale intégrée pour Doritos lancée par BBDO NewYork.
Un teasing énigmatique par affichage demandait aux passants d'envoyer par SMS le code inNw... la réponse les interrogeait sur la signification du code inNw dans l'attente de générer buzz et visites sur le site www.innw.com.

DoritosSur le site, la mécanique des codes est développée et permet aux participants d'accéder aux bons plans, à des lots

(téléchargement de musique...) et de dialoguer autour du jeu qui offrira aux gagnants la possibilité d'entrer dans l'univers de la production musicale...

Lora DeVuono, vice president pour la publicité et la communication de Frito-Lay d'ajouter "In terms of lifestyle integration,it's the under-30 crowd that's focused on its complete integration in their lives."

Je n'ai pas souvenir d'un code SMS sur une campagne d'affichage en France (à part pour les  dispositifs de rencontres...)

février 20, 2005 dans Affichage , Digital marketing | Permalink | Commentaires (3) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

19 février 2005

Toute la musique que j'aime

Le ChicagoBusiness annonce un partenariat d'envergure entre MTV et McDonald's sur 160 pays.
La chaîne de fast food devient le sponsor exclusif du programme Advance Warning visant à découvrir  de nouveaux talents musicaux.

Des versions locales de l'emission sont déjà disponible en Amérique latine et dès aujourd'hui en Europe. Au final le programme vise les 5 continents.

MtvmcdonaldsMcDonald's bénéficiera de la promotion de sa nouvelle signature "I'm Lovin' It" en début et fin d'émissions mais aussi de contenus exclusifs, des promotions et jeux concours pour remporter des lots ayant trait à la musique.

février 19, 2005 dans Branding | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page


notavailableChers amis,
Blogger n’est définitivement pas compatible avec le temps disponible durant les premières semaines d’un nouveau job.
«Ce soir, je blog» a été ma promesse personnelle depuis le dernier post fin janvier… sans grande réussite mais avec beaucoup de regrets.

Post2000 reprend désormais ses activités mais sans doute à un rythme moins soutenu…

A très bientôt je l’espère, ici même pour de nouveaux échanges.

février 19, 2005 dans Weblogs | Permalink | Commentaires (3) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

21 janvier 2005

Email pour les nuls

Wired présente dans un récent article la solution de la société Ciphire Labs qui propose une nouvelle solution d'authentification et d'encryption des emails.
Jusque là compliqué à utiliser pour le grand public, l'authentification est une très bonne réponse au spam. Et Ciphire de proposer son logiciel en téléchargement gratuit, compatible avec la quasi-totaité des logiciels de messagerie et dans une logique open source.

La différence de Ciphire : au lieu de travailler sur les algorithmes, déjà disponibles, Ciphire concentre ses efforts sur la simplification de sa solution pour l'utilisateur final. Le programme travaille en tâche de fond sans latence dans la réception ou l'envoi d'emails.

Perso, j'attendais cela depuis quelques temps...

janvier 21, 2005 dans Web/Tech | Permalink | Commentaires (0) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

Vous parlez chinois ?

MarquesenchineEncore un très bon papier dans Brandchannel.com sur la vie des marques occidentales en Chine.
L'auteur (Edwin Colyer) interroge Hans Fuchs, DG du cabinet Chinabrand sur les spécifités des marques en république chinoise :

  • L'inadaptation des produits conçus pour des ménages aux revenus annuels proche de $20.000 sur un marché où un bon salaire annuel avoisinne les $3.000.
  • Le patriotisme des chinois qui préfèrent de loin leurs propres produits.
  • L'individualisme véhiculé comme valeur par les marques occidentales dans un marché où la communauté reste essentielle.

janvier 21, 2005 dans Branding | Permalink | Commentaires (3) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page

20 janvier 2005

50 ans pour les enfants

Disney se prépare cette année à fêter son cinquantième anniversaire. Et en complément de la campagne média globale qui démarre le 5 mai, Disney mise sur l'advergaming.

Pour être certain de bien toucher sa cible première (8 à 12 ans) le groupe prépare le lancement d'une plateforme de jeux multi-joueurs online et gratuit dénommée "Virtual Magic Kingdom".

Disney 50th anniversaryLes visiteurs pourront jouer à des adaptations des attractions reines, ils pourront également chater en ligne, créer leurs propres avatars et bien entendu gagner des points en fonction de leurs intertactions avec l'univers Disney pour les transformer en goodies de la marque.

Une initiative cependant décriée par Jeff Chester (Center for Digital Democracy) qui commente la démarche dans USAToday dans les termes suivants : "These are not just harmless games. It's part of the brainwashing of America."

On joue ensemble ?

Quelques liens : USAToday, About.com, Brandweek.com, le site Disney dédié à l'événement, la publicité Disney (en bas à droite).

janvier 20, 2005 dans Branding , Jeux , Marketing services | Permalink | Commentaires (1) | TrackBacks (0) | Haut de Page